Build relationships. Make a difference.

Karpura for nonprofits.

Membership Management

Donations Management

Events Management

Volunteers Management

Email Campaigns

Powerful Admin

Branded Client Site

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Membership Management

Design your ideal membership plans.

Create an awesome promotion page. No coding required.

Members Effortlessly enroll and pay.

No lapsed memberships with automatic expiration reminders and renewal.

Speak directly to your members.

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Donations Management

Inspire generous giving!

Craft custom donation options!

Turn heads with your fundraising by designing a stunning promotion page. No coding required.

Give the gift of recurring giving, encouraging sustainable support.

Fuel generosity by sharing your progress towards goal amount.

Say "thank you" automatically by generating and sending donation receipts instantly.

Connect on a deeper level by crafting personalized messages to your donors.

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Events Management

Orchestrate multiple events with ease!

Effortlessly schedule with precise time slots.

Tailor ticket options to match your vision, from early bird specials to VIP packages with exclusive perks.

Design stunning promotion pages. No coding required.

Sell, sell, sell!: Integrate seamlessly with popular payment gateway for frictionless online purchases.

Generate automated email confirmations and reminders to keep your audience engaged.

Insights at your fingertips: Analyze data, and gain valuable insights to optimize future events.

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Volunteer Management

Connect with passionate people effortlessly and maximize their impact.

Create compelling opportunities and attract & engage top talents.

Stay connected with your volunteers and build a strong community.

Track your program's success and demonstrate its value.

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Email Campaigns

Build lasting relationships with personalized messages to your constituents.

Use pre-build templates or create new templates for stunning emails.

Add dynamic content and individual greetings to make your emails feel like one-on-one conversations.

Schedule campaigns, trigger emails based on specific actions, and free up your time for more strategic tasks.

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Do it all with Karpura

Powerful yet simple Admin site.

Get your own branded client site. No coding required.

Effortlessly integrate Karpura with your existing website for a unified experience.

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Maximize your operational efficiency with Karpura

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